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About Us


To bring our guests a comfortable place for rest and recreation through the harmonious development of our staff and the productive and competitive growth of the Company.


To optimize the operational processes and to improve the quality service and intensify the commercial effort, which has been the most important achievements for this administration. This places us in a stage of commercial consolidation and forces us to make a series of promotional efforts, seeking to keep the actual place and gain new market segments for the years to come. Our business vision is to ascend and consolidate our Company within a short and mid-term.

Behavior & Services Code

Because of the nature of our business it is fundamental to reinforce permanently the theme of trust. This is why we have operative rules that aim to satisfy the needs of our visitors; matters like security, times of attention, cleaning, the kindness that our collaborators show and the equipment of our facilities.

Our Values

  • Honesty or transparency, respect, kindness and passion for services.
  • Our facilities and our staff.
  • Planning, guidelines and leadership from the Management.